A Dungeons and Dragons fantasy style adventure centered around facing fears and overcoming them togheter
After discovering an ancient text buried deep within the libraries of Schola…their middle school… a group of friends boldly reads aloud from the mysterious book. Mystical light and energy pours forth but in the end, the pomp and circumstance simply vanishes as suddenly as it came. Assuming nothing happened, the friends head back to class. Everything is normal… until that night when they all fall asleep.
As they close their eyes to sleep, they all have the same dream. Each walking up a flight of stairs inside a great tower, and opening a mystical door. It’s here they meet… each other!!! They are connected, in the same dream!
A mystical voice echoes out behind them and they turn and are greeted by the Oracle, an ethereal being of stars and light. She reveals that they have been summoned to defend the realm of dreams. And it’s time for their first Quest.
